Hello again!

part 1 · TYPEFACES
I design non-serious typefaces in my spare time, and I love it!
Here's what I've designed till now!

Typeface 1
Deadly Sins
A variable typeface inspired by gothic blackletter calligraphy, designed to be used in large display to evoke the emotion of power, dominance and structure.

Typeface 2
Bold, delicate, adaptive. The three principles on which Mura is designed on. A variable typeface swinging on the edges of low and heavy contrast.
This also happens to be my Graduation project!
Typeface 3
Bold, delicate, adaptive. The three principles on which Mura is designed on. A variable typeface swinging on the edges of low and heavy contrast.

part 2 · Calligraphy
I know a thing or two about calligraphy!
And it happens to be my stress buster!
part 3 · visual design
Did I tell you, I'm a big visual design buff?
Logos, illustrations, motion graphics, what not! Here's a short collection of things I've done that I'm proud on.